If your teenager is graduating soon, you should consider spreading the word early using a graduation save the date postcard. Graduation save the date cards are normally sent out way earlier than official graduation announcements to allow friends and family to set a date in their calendars for attending your teenager’s graduation.
Here are some reasons why you should send graduation save the dates to close family and friends:
- It’s a sign of courtesy to guests who live far away
If out-of-town family and friends will be coming to the graduation ceremony and the after party, they’ll need plenty of time to make travel plans. The best time to buy a flight ticket at an affordable price is usually 2 or more months out, therefore that is a great date to send out your save the date postcards. If you can send the date out even earlier that will be even better to give them ample time to book flights and accommodation.
- You can share a wonderful photo of your graduating teen
Senior portraits are usually high quality photos and very costly. You can get the most out of your teen’s senior portraits by using one of the pictures in his/her graduation save the dates postcards. Close family members and close friends will be pleased to have an amazing photo of your teenager as a keepsake, and you will get a chance to share more of your child’s senior portraits.
- Motivate you to start your own plans
You should not wait until the last minute to start making plans for your child’s graduation ceremony. Your son or daughter only graduates from high school once, and the process of making and posting save the dates will motivate you to begin thinking of how you want to honor your teenager in this major milestone.
Planning might include: booking the event venue and a caterer; making a decision on party decorations; budgeting for any senior year expenses such as a graduation gown and cap, yearbooks and class rings; as well as asking your son or daughter what they want for their graduation party.
- Stake your claim early
Graduation parties may at times create contention among parents of children in the same senior class. Hundreds of children from the same high school will be graduating together in one weekend, and most of them will have graduation parties after the ceremony or over the next few days following the ceremony.
Staking your claim early on a specific date and time for your teenager’s graduation party is the right way to go, to avoid being accused of taking another graduate’s spotlight. This way, if any other parent assumes you are attempting to compete with their child’s party, you can tell them that you started planning early enough.
- They do not cost an arm and a leg
Completely customized save the dates postcards are surprisingly affordable and easy to make. Do you want to custom-make your own cards? Mixbook provides amazing customizable save the dates postcards which are great for graduation parties. Their online editor is easy to use and the products are reasonably priced. You can choose to use their design templates or make your cards from scratch. This company offers some amazing discount coupons, so you should be on the lookout for them on their website.