

Understanding Domestic Violence: A Guide to Prevention

Understanding Domestic Violence: A Guide to Prevention is a guide that is filled with information and facts on the topic of domestic violence. The author gives insight into the different types of violence that people can experience, as well as the signs and symptoms of domestic abuse victims. It also discusses...

4 Factors to Consider Before You Apply for PR in Singapore

Every year, tens of thousands of people apply for PR in Singapore. PR applicants have found it increasingly challenging with the nation's strong economy and consistent GDP growth. The following are the four most significant factors to consider when you apply to become a permanent resident in Singapore. 1. Successful...

6 Tips in Choosing a Software System to Manage Your Law Firm

Choosing a software system for your law firm can be tricky, but this is an essential step for ensuring its efficiency. This software should be user-friendly, allow for efficient management of caseloads, and allow you to track your firm's overall performance. It should also provide direct access to training, upgrades,...

  2 Types of Criminal Cases the Best Criminal Lawyer Defends

Any conduct punished by a fine, imprisonment, or both is considered a crime. If there is an accusation of a crime against you, a criminal defence lawyer from a reputable Singapore firm can assist you in defending your rights in court. The legal system dictates that the criminally accused are...

10 things to remember if you get stopped by a Police Officer

Police officers have certain powers when it comes to asking questions and it’s important to cooperate as best you can. But while answering questions is the correct way to proceed, it’s important to know your rights and understand how to act in what are often very tense situations.  Here we...

Stock index : definition and overview

You are probably familiar with stock market shares. A stock – also called shares or a company's equity – is a financial device that marks ownership in a company or corporation and represents a proportionate claim on its assets and profits. But what about a stock index? Definition of stock...

How Do Auctions Work?

Auctions are the process of trading goods through bids made by potential buyers. The offers continue to accrue at higher and higher prices until no one else is willing to pay more for the item in question. Once the seller accepts the price and the bidder pays, the transaction is...
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