
What To Look For In a New Building For Your Company

Your business is growing out of its space and needs to relocate to a larger facility. While moving all of your staff and equipment can be a challenge, with the right research and patience the process should go smoothly. Here are a few steps to follow to find the right location for your company.

Evaluate Your Budget

Before you start looking at new properties, take a look at your budget and determine how much you can spend on a new building. Decide if you want to own the property or if you would like to lease it. If you choose to buy, you will need to add property tax into the amount that you are willing to pay per month. Calculate how much space you will need for your staff and equipment and the area of the community that you would like to relocate to. Make a list of other requirements that you must have such as parking and accessibility. Once you have all of your data in order, set up a meeting with a realtor and let them know what you are looking for. Giving them plenty of information will make the processes quicker and more accurate.

Inspect the Property

Once you find a spot that seems to work for you, have an inspector evaluate the facility to see how much work will need to be done to make it functional for you. Have a company that specializes in commercial roofing st louis examine the roof to ensure that it is in good shape and can last for several years. You will also want to have the heating and air conditioning gone through or ask when the equipment was last replaced and serviced. Check the insulation around the windows and door to make sure it is adequate. The price of the building might be affordable for you, but if the heat and cold escape it could mean high utility bills in the future.

Prepare For Remodeling

Contact a few contractors to get bids on any repairs or remodeling that must be done once you have purchased your property or signed your lease. When you speak to them, ask how soon they can complete the project. Apply for the building permits that are required for the work to be done unless the contractor you choose does it for you. When you schedule your move to your new facility, remember to factor in the time it will take to get the paperwork back from your application along with what the construction company will need for the repairs to be done.