Nowadays, education has become a term that defines a person’s background. Especially in the real world, before the making of a professional, one must show what he could offer based on what he has learned during his previous years of learning. See, education is a process of learning that one must partake to be a productive member of society.
It is a facilitated knowledge acquisition, along with life skills, moral and values, beliefs, and healthy habits. Education exists to teach people, especially young ones how to be an individual that can make kind and smart life choices.
Now, they say education begins at home. No one can deny that parents do play a huge role in a child’s behavioural and academic progress. However, in this article, we would focus on the importance of getting an education from an IB international school in Singapore.
What is the International Baccalaureate education?
Let us first talk about defining these two words. An International Baccalaureate education provides children and students with a high-quality international education. The programmes in this curriculum aim to improve a student’s personal and academic strengths and work on their weaknesses. IB schools in Singapore can offer IB education to students the way other foreign counterparts do, making these schools such as Hillside World Academy one of the IB schools in the world.
There are educational programmes for primary year (children aged 3-12), middle year (11-16), diploma programme (16-19), and career-related courses (16-19). These programmes are specifically made to nurture and develop. Also, show children and students the practicality of the lessons they are learning, and help them flourish with this gained knowledge in their chosen course.
The benefits of a top-tier IB education
Improved learning skills
Due to a more personalised approach of education, students in an IB international school in Singapore would be taught on their pacing. They would not have to rush their learning because the instructors or teachers are teaching. In an IB school, teachers are more than just teachers, they are mentors, and well, a second-parent to these students.
Students are encouraged to learn in a favourable timing when their young brains can cope, as this is a key in boosting a kid’s specific talents and learning skills. Some may be number smart, some are word-smart, and others are something else. Unlike traditional education, where everyone has a single standard set, an IB school knows the importance of nurturing students.
Knowledge resources
As aforementioned, IB schools in the world share a network. Hence, these institutions do have a very large pool of learning resources. From books and papers, even to strategic teaching and lessons.
Students can have more chances of learning because of these resources and best practices. It would then help them not just in problem solving and exams but also in life. As early as three years old, an IB school would encourage them to make their own choices by having a dynamic approach that yields results.
Competitive standards
Although it is important to let students learn and grow at their own pace, an IB school in Singapore has competitive standards. Students are encouraged to do better each day, with themselves as their competition, not anyone else, but rather their selves.
Parents today want their kids to lighten up in life. In comparison to the upbringing, this said generation has suffered. An IB school understands these concerns but at the same time, believes that the right amount of pressure creates diamonds. Students under IB education do not pass any subject or get any merit without really earning it. No one passes through education without mastering all prerequisites.
A better shot in the future
Indeed, education is the ticket to a brighter future. It would allow one of the services to offer a company in the future. Providing your child a quality IB education would not only help them as a student but also a professional because graduating from any of the IB schools in Singapore would already be an edge. Moreover, if your child has achieved awards. With an IB education curriculum that has shaped their minds and habits, students from an IB school are already professionals with potential waiting to blossom.
Also, students who graduated from an IB school would already have fellow alumni peers out there in the real world. IB school professionals have a network that recognizes kinship. It is a certain advantage. Especially when your child finally steps out of the comfort of your own home to become an adult. Think of it as a life-time community and belonging.
Potential to create a better society
It is for the long shot. Equipped with a good education, a student graduate from an IB school has the potential to create a better modern society.
Society is the building block of our culture and lives. However, it is not perfect as all people are. Now, students that have received a good education would indeed know better, and as a productive member of the society with compassion. These students would have the chance to change the society that is continuing to oppress, exploit, and discriminate against others.
After a global pandemic, the world is certainly in disarray. When we look at our neighbouring countries, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Indonesia, these countries need reform and social changes. We could only hope that the students who would inherit and take over a few years from now would be good citizens.
Education allows everyone knowledge and better judgement to be better members of the society to contribute and not just be bystanders earning money. It further proves that we need to provide our young ones with the best education there is.
So, if you still are not convinced. Visit our website to know more about International Baccalaureate education Singapore.