Do you have plans to attend sewing classes for beginners anytime soon? Well, it may be your best option if you want to learn how to sew as soon as you can and repair your old clothes at the same time. It may only be challenging to find the right sewing course instructor in Singapore, but doing so would help you have a good sewing foundation.
It may also add to your burden if you have no idea why you should consider learning this practical art skill. It would be great that you first grasp how sewing can help you in your daily lives. Besides, having more than one ability would be beneficial for you in the long run, right?
Why Should You Learn How to Sew?
Well, the reward of learning to sew is more gratifying than you think it is. It outweighs the unfounded fears that cause people to shy away from learning it. However, if you think things through thoroughly, sewing can help you in a lot of ways. The listicles below will explain why you should bet on learning how to sew and attend sewing classes for beginners sooner.
Good for Your Health
Sewing clothes has therapeutic effects. It helps to calm your heart and lowers your blood pressure. As you continue doing this, you would no longer feel stress, and you could focus more for a long time.
Bring New Career Opportunities
As you become more skilled in sewing, you would be able to sell the things you made. Of course, that is an extra income for you! Eventually, as your customer base increases, you might be able to start a business with this hobby of yours. Or even become a sewing course instructor in Singapore.
Create Unique Gifts for Family and Friends
Naturally, as you learn more about sewing, you would have an idea of gifting the things you made to your family and friends. As a result, you would not need to spend extra cash to buy them gifts for the holidays.
Teach You the Value of Handmade Items
Of course! As you began making handmade items, you would grasp how hard it is for others, too. So, whenever you notice someone selling clothes they made, you become supportive in promoting their products. That way, their hard work would pay off.
Helps the Environment
Just in case you have no idea, the textile waste in our country is 168 tons, and only 4% are recycled each year. So, imagine there are 161 tons of textile waste left. That is why if you start recycling what you have today, those numbers could become two to one digit soon.
Now, are you finally convinced to learn how to sew? If your answer is yes, for sure, you have a lot of questions in mind. That is a natural thing to happen, especially if you have tried sewing before. So, keep reading to find out the answers to your questions.
Your Top Questions About Sewing, Answered.
Sewing classes for beginnersare so hot these days. Many people have noticed the importance of this practical skill. With the trend going on, more and more people desire to learn how to sew. However, even with its soaring popularity, sewing is a new skill to some. If you are part of this category, knowing the answers to the questions below would help you have peace of mind.
Question 1: Is It that Challenging Learning How to Sew?
The shortest answer is no. It is not that hard. All you have to do is practice. It will help you master the art of sewing. Also, a bit of patience so you would not prick your finger. However, if you are in trouble learning it by yourself, then attend sewing classes for beginners. Remember, having someone to teach you is better than guessing what you need to do.
Question 2: What Are the Basic Sewing Skills I Should Learn?
Aside from inserting a thread in a needle and taking measurements, you would need to learn how to use a sewing machine, pinning a pattern in a fabric, and even how you should cut it. Of course, to know all of these would not be easy if you have no idea how to use each sewing tool. So, make sure you familiarise yourself, including understanding the jargon sewing expert uses.
Question 3: How Do I Know Which Fabric and Thread to Choose?
Beginners from a sewing coursecentre in Singaporeoften use cotton. It is the most manageable fabric that allows you to stitch without using fabric-wrangling tricks. Well, as you become more confident with your skills, you can move on sewing the material of the T-shirt jersey or denim.
Question 4: What Are The Things I Should Not Try Sewing?
Speciality outdoor gear, tuxedo, and leather jacket are the things you should not try sewing. You see, even though you know how to sew, these items require the hands of an expert. Well, in case you do not have time to bring it to them, there are sew-free alternatives you could try. For speciality outdoor gear, you could use a waterproof patch or sealant to fix the ripped area. While for the pants of your tuxedo, you could try an iron-on fusing web. This technique is quite useful for hemming bottom clothes.
Question 5: How Do I Measure Myself?
Measuring yourself is not different from measuring other people. All you need to do is make sure the measuring tape is not sliding down on your back. It should be straight from and to the area where you are measuring. That is why you have to stand tall before noting down your measurement. Well, to make things easier, measure yourself in front of the mirror. So, you would see what size you are.
Question 6: Which Sewing Machine Should I Get?
First of all, do not buy from a thrift store or a discount supermarket. What you could find there are second-hand ones that you could barely use. That is why you should go to specialist sewing machine retailers. The sewing machines they sell are far better, and they have units for beginners.
Moreover, if you have plans to attend sewing classes for beginners, get the portable one. That way, the instructor there could teach you how to use it.
Question 7: Should I Wash the Fabric Before Sewing?
You have to since natural fabric tends to shrink 10% from its original size. So, make sure to wash the material at the appropriate water temperature before you start sewing. Of course, you would need to dry the material first before you stitch things together.
At this point, is there anything you do not understand or curious about sewing? If none, then proceed reading the following. You would find out what tools and materials you need when you start learning how to sew. They are also the things you would use when you become a student from the sewing course in Singapore.
Things You Need Once You Decided to Learn How to Sew.
Now that this article has answered all of the frequently asked questions, is it now time for you to prepare the things you need. Like most skills, you must have the right tools and materials all lined up before you start sewing. That way, you could sew clothes without a hassle, and your skills will improve tremendously. Besides buying a sewing machine, make sure you prepare the following items below.
Measuring Tape
This item allows you to measure the size of the wearer. That way, the clothes you made would fit perfectly.
Hand Sewing Needles
Besides using your sewing machine, you would also need to sew by hand. That is why you need a hand sewing needle to stitch things together.
A Pair of Sewing Scissors
Look out your fingers, as sewing scissors are quite sharp since they could cut any fabric. Also, make sure you get the one that suits your dominant hand so you would not get hurt.
Rotary Cutter
If the clothes you are trying to sew have curves, this item will help you cut them more accurately. That saves you time from slowly cutting the shape on the fabric.
Washable Chalk
You would need this item to mark the area where you need to cut it. Fret not since this chalk is washable by water. Therefore, it would not leave stains on your clothes or on the fabric you would use.
Straight Pins
To make sure the patterns stay on the fabric, you would need to attach this. Also, you would not forget what part you need to sew next.
Seam Ripper
In case you made a mistake, this item would help you unpick the error in your sewing. As a result, you would not need to restart all over again. For sure, this will be the first item you would learn from the sewing course instructor in Singapore.
Pin Cushion
This item will come in handy, so you would not need to look for where you place the pins and needles you used earlier.
Clothing Iron
You would need to use this before cutting the pattern you made on the fabric. That way, you would not cut things unevenly since this clothing iron would smoothen the wrinkled parts. However, be careful using this since it could burn your skin.
Quilter Rulers
Unlike the other rules you had before, this one has grinds that would help you create patterns with the correct measurement. It might be hard to use at first, but you will get used to it in the long run.
Tracing Wheels
Even though it looks like a pizza slicer, you would need this. It will help you recreate the pattern marks to the fabric. That saves you from drawing the pattern into a new material again.
If you are no good with needles like sleeping beauty, then this item is for you. It will protect your finger from pricking yourself as you sew anything. The sewing course instructor in Singaporewill surely advise you to wear this one. So, your finger would not get hurt.
Needle Threader
When you have this item, you would not need to lick the thread to insert it into the needle. All you need to do is pull the string, and it will go through the other end.
Cutting Mat
This item prevents you from damaging your table where you would be cutting the fabric you need to use for the clothes you are sewing.
It might look a lot for a beginner like you, but these items would help you throughout your journey. That is why you must guarantee to get quality ones so you would not need to buy another each of this item later on. Well, in case you have no idea where to buy them, ask the course instructor from a sewing centrein Singapore. For sure, they know better where you could get quality items listed above.
Can’t Learn How to Sew By Yourself? Consider Attending Sewing Classes for Beginners!
It is okay if you can’t learn how to sew by watching YouTube videos or reading a how-to-do guide. That is a natural thing to happen since sewing is about experiencing it in person. So, give yourself a break and take a deep breath. Instead of mulling over, you should consider attending sewing classes for beginners. That way, you could observe and learn to sew firsthand. There, you would know what you need to do and avoid when sewing clothes. Besides, would it not be nice to see how tailors stitch clothes? If you think so, too, then go to TAFTC – Textile And Fashion Training Centre. They offer a sewing course in Singapore. Here, dial this number +6531589328 and let them know when you could start going to their place and train under their sewing programme.
Well, if you find this article helpful, consider sharing it on your social media. That way, your friends would realise why they should attend sewing classes for beginners, too!