Every parent is proud to see their children succeed in life. The parents will stand in the background cheering and beaming with pride in those winning moments. It is like seeing someone as their extension receiving all the praise from the people around them. It is possible, but parents must know how to make their children more goal-oriented and motivated. So, when they attend STEM courses in Singapore, they will be confident to succeed in their academic endeavours.
As the children grow into adults who receive awards and recognition, you will notice that moulding a person to be the way they are starts from the very beginning – their childhood. Of course, making your children competent and flexible professionals is a long process. To help them, here’s how you can raise self-motivated kids
How to Raise a Self-Motivated Child
Successful people don’t happen overnight. If you’re familiar with the author of Harry Potter, J.K Rowling, the novel’s manuscript got rejected 12 times! Another prominent actress in Hollywood, Meryl Streep, got rejected from an audition saying she didn’t look good in the camera. A person who lacks motivation will stop at this point and would probably believe that this is all they got. But what makes these inspirational people continue? Despite the challenges and rejections, people who face failures get to stand back up because they are self-motivated.
Like a kid standing up after falling off a bicycle, you can also raise a self-motivated child to make their educational journey in STEM classes for kids successful.
1) Let Them Set a Goal
Some parents are overbearing because they want to decide for their kids. They will choose a hobby for their children, like sports, drawing, or reading books. But, there are more in life that can help them succeed. Surprisingly, even playing video games in moderation can help them in problem-solving. As long as your kids can think for themselves, let them set a goal.
As a parent, you only need to stand by their side and be a support system. Don’t pressure them to have a perfect score all the time. Let them find a way to improve themselves. Also, avoid comparing to other children as it can affect their confidence when attending STEM courses in Singapore.
Once they stick to their goals, you can see how they improve daily, making them more aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
2) Encourage Them to Make a Bucket List
Life can only be enriched when you experience new things—perhaps, exploring a new place, making new friends, or attending a short course to improve your hobby. Like adults, children also want to explore the world around them. So, let them do it. Allow your children to create a bucket list that is feasible to achieve and appropriate for their age.
It may include activities such as going to the zoo, enrolling in professional development in Singapore (if your kid is a teen), going to a new place, or simply trying a new restaurant down the block. These things might be simple, but achieving this will boost their motivation and keep on performing bigger things in the future.
3) Visual Board Technique
Are you familiar with the law of attraction? The Law of attraction is a philosophical technique that tells you to think positive thoughts to yield positive results. Although this practice has no scientific evidence, it can still inspire your children to focus on their goals. It’s more like personal perseverance than scientific research. So, it depends on you whether you will make it happen.
It is about having a strong will. Teaching them to develop a strong will at a young age will help them be more self-motivated as adults. That’s why it’s better to encourage your children to use the visual board techniques that bring out the best when attending design thinking courses in Singapore.
4) Adhere to a Routine
Encourage your children to adhere to a routine at a young age. For example, if they are attending STEM courses in Singapore, guide them in curating their daily schedule from waking up in the morning to fixing their bags at night. Adhering to a routine can motivate them to keep doing a good job.
As they adhere to the routine, they will be able to do their homework diligently and submit them on time. Another reason routines are powerful is that they can develop into a habit. Those habits will make your children self-motivated as an adult. Habits like reading a book, exercising, and giving more hugs can count.
5) Avoid Comparing
Comparing kills confidence and inspiration. When you compare yourself to others, you will only see what you lack in yourself. It is also the same when you do this to kids. Unconsciously, they might feel less competent compared to other people. And they will bring those words as they grow older. Instead of comparing them to other students, teach them to focus on their journey.
Give them the chance to improve themselves by attending professional development courses in Singapore. You can also do this by telling your children how to become self-motivated. If they fail today, it only means that they have to try again and again. As cliche as it sounds, trying and persevering will help you become successful as an adult.
6) Celebrate Small Wins
Small wins are a way to remind you that you are doing great. Did you get a passing remark in your STEM classes for kids? Celebrate it! Did you learn something new in your professional development courses? Give yourself credit for it. You can also give rewards to your children when they do something good for themselves. For this reason, they will be more self-motivated and achieve their own definition of success in the future.
To celebrate small wins, encourage your children to change their mindset. Setting goals doesn’t mean it has to be a significant achievement. You can start with small steps, and once you pass through them, you can also celebrate them.
A successful life starts from childhood and upbringing, so enrol your children at IDE Academy Singapore to improve their skills. Visit their website to learn more about their professional development and STEM courses.