Female ejaculation is a physical reaction that happens after some orgasms. It’s a normal part of sex, says Lauren Streicher, MD, medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause.
But what exactly is it? What’s it made of, and why does it happen? These are some of the questions women have about female ejaculation.
It’s a Normal Part of Sex.
The subject of female ejaculation has often been a source of confusion and controversy, and that’s understandable. Despite its reputation as a taboo topic, female ejaculation is a normal part of sex.
Many women, however, find it a little unnerving to know that they can ejaculate like a penis. This is especially true for those who’ve never experienced it or have a history of incontinence.
Research shows that more than 69% of women ejaculate during orgasms. Moreover, the amount of fluid they expel varies significantly from woman to woman. Some may ejaculate a scanty amount, while others may release streams that are more like geyser-like eruptions.
Generally, giving her a squirting orgasm is caused by pressure on the G-spot clitoris during sexual arousal and orgasms. These glands in front of the paraurethral glands produce fluid flowing during these periods.
Some researchers believe that ejaculation and squirting can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). They also argue that these fluids can help flush bacteria from the urethra back out of the vagina, which could help reduce your chances of developing UTIs in the future.
So, let’s look closely at what happens during female ejaculation and why it is expected. It’s Not Just Pee
Female ejaculation is the release of a thick, milky fluid from the Skene’s glands (also known as the female prostate), similar to seminal fluid in men. This fluid contains many prostatic specific antigens (PSAs), fructose and glucose and is secreted during orgasms, though it can also occur without.
The fluid can be expelled from the urethra during sex, but scientists haven’t been sure how or why it happens. Researchers have focused on determining its chemical makeup in the past, but recently they’ve turned to investigating where it comes from.
In one study, seven women urinated before sexual stimulation and had their bladders scanned before and after squirting. The first scan showed empty bladders, while the second — performed after they started to sprinkle — revealed their bladders had refilled significantly.
That’s because the liquid that comes out during orgasms isn’t urine. It’s more likely to be diluted urine or wee.
This means the squirt that women squirt during sexual stimulation may be a mixture of diluted urine and other fluids that come from their Skene’s glands.
The study was based on ultrasound scanning before and after squirting, but it doesn’t prove that the fluids that come out of the vagina during orgasm are a mix of urine and ejaculate. If you’re interested in the research behind squirting, the study isn’t for everyone, but it offers some insight into why it occurs and where it comes from.
It might seem counterintuitive to say, but squirting is pretty standard. Several books and websites have come out in recent years to explain what it’s like to ejaculate during sex.
It’s Not Just Squirting.
When you see squirting in porn, it’s easy to think it’s just a trick of the light. But for many people, spraying is a normal part of sex.
When your body feels sexually aroused, it releases fluid from your vulva (the urethra and skin glands). This fluid is usually watery and colorless but sometimes odorless. It’s called squirting, but it can also be called female ejaculation.
Some studies have shown that the liquid released during squirting (the more gushing type) is similar to urine. Still, it also contains small amounts of a prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) protein. This protein is usually found in men’s and women’s urine, and researchers think it comes from the Skene glands in the bladder.
During some orgasms, the pelvic floor muscles contract, which can also release fluid. While squirting and orgasms differ, a 2022 Clinical Anatomy study suggests they may be related.
If you’re new to sex, it can be confusing when unfamiliar with the terminology. But don’t worry!
Even though there’s a lot of talk about penises and nothing about your vulva, you’re in the majority. Research has shown that a majority of women squirt during their orgasms.
So if you’re looking for a pleasurable experience, there’s no reason to give up. And if you’re not feeling the squirting thing, that’s perfectly okay too.
Ultimately, your pleasure in bed doesn’t depend on what kind of fluid you squirt or how well you ejaculate. It’s all about finding your happy medium.
It’s More Than Just a Waste of Time.
Female ejaculation is an exciting, elusive and unique part of sexual intercourse that’s often overlooked. It doesn’t come up in sex education classes, and if you’re a woman who isn’t experienced at it yet, you may feel a little confused about how it works.
But don’t worry — there are plenty of reasons why female ejaculation isn’t just a waste of time! It would help if you enjoyed every minute because the whole experience can lead to intense orgasms.
Besides being a natural, regular part of sex, female ejaculation is essential to our body’s chemistry. It’s made up of a mix of enzymes, proteins and antimicrobial substances meant to protect the urethra and vagina from infection, according to Jessica Shepherd, MD, chief medical officer at Verywell Health.
It’s a mixture of fluid different from urine, so it doesn’t always come out during urination. The liquid is created in the female prostate (also known as the Skene’s gland), and then it travels to the bladder before it’s expelled through the urethra.
This liquid is usually only a few milliliters, but it can get much more significant if a woman experiences orgasm and clitoral stimulation during sex. That’s because heightened arousal can increase blood flow to the genitals and vagina, increasing the amount of water captured in the urethral sponge.
This type of liquid is also called “amrita,” which means “nectar of the gods.” It’s a sign of a woman’s power and a manifestation of her sexual energy. It’s even been used in Hinduism and Buddhism to symbolize fertility and sexual pleasure.