These individuals perform research and analysis of specific issues related to the case. While these individuals may charge a flat hourly rate, they are a force multiplier. While attorneys are responsible for various tasks, a litigation support specialist focuses on one specific aspect of a case with specialized knowledge. Project managers are a vital component of any litigation support team, as they are the first line of defense in the process.
They perform research and analysis on specific issues related to the case.
The role of a litigation support specialist is broad and diverse. They may need to gather and analyze large amounts of data to assist attorneys. They should have excellent attention to detail to identify information quickly and complete tasks efficiently. In addition, they should have the knowledge and experience necessary to communicate with attorneys and other members of the legal team. In addition to their general litigation support duties, litigation support specialists may also need to research and analyze specific issues related to the case.
To become a litigation support specialist, individuals must have excellent analytical, research, and writing skills. Litigation support specialists can specialize in e-discovery, trial presentation, or other issues. They may also move into management roles, overseeing a team of litigation support professionals. Those with good organizational skills can also pursue careers in business development or sales. To begin your career, you should obtain a high school diploma or the equivalent. Moreover, many employers prefer applicants who have completed formal training.
They charge a flat hourly rate.
The most common way a litigation support specialist charges for their services is by charging a flat hourly rate. In this scenario, the client pays the attorney a flat amount at the start of the case and then pays a flat fee for their continued representation. However, if you want to work with a litigation support specialist, you should be aware of the hourly rates and how they are calculated. The payment schedule for these services should be carefully reviewed and written down in your contract.
Before you agree to pay a litigation support specialist a flat fee, you need to determine whether the services you are receiving are worth the price. The value of the services you will receive will be affected by the type of fee you have agreed upon with the firm. In some cases, the legal fee is higher than the total amount of the services rendered, especially if the work is time-consuming. If this is the case, opting for flat hourly rates is best.
They are a force multiplier.
These professionals perform tasks that an attorney would perform but do not necessarily require a law degree. Their work can be more valuable to the firm because they can perform high-value evidentiary work for their clients. These professionals can also bill higher fees, as they often perform work that would otherwise be outsourced. Some law firms have created entire litigation support departments around cloud-based e-discovery platforms. In other words, they can become an in-house vendor of sorts.
Besides serving courthouse documents, these professionals also handle record requests. They employ specialized personnel to organize data and provide trial boards. They may also provide photographic or video documentation to aid in trial presentations. In addition to serving the attorneys, these professionals can also provide trial boards and help with e-discovery, which means organizing and collecting relevant facts about a case. Litigation support specialists can be highly knowledgeable about legal processes, including discovery methods.
They are expected to grow faster than average.
As the number of electronic documents increases, the need for data security will increase. Law firms are increasingly using AI to process and store information. Litigation support specialists will help protect this information and work closely with attorneys to provide a seamless service to clients. As the use of AI grows, more lawyers will be needed in litigation support positions. Those with advanced computer skills are expected to enjoy more challenging work.