Today, more environmentally conscious customers are avoiding plastic wraps when buying fruits and vegetables from grocery shops. Canvas, hemp, cotton, and jute bags are better alternatives to plastic wraps. Non-woven bags and paper bags can be used for everything, even to measure vegetables or groceries. This is so that any plastic bags are used at no point during shopping. It is important to eliminate plastics from your life. Many companies offer customized grocery bags to make shopping easier. These bags are both convenient and good for the environment. These bags can be customized with logos or brand names and are a valuable marketing tool.
Knowing what they can and cannot carry to keep your bag durable and clean is important. Let’s find out what vegetables we can carry in these eco-friendly bags.
Potatoes And Tomatoes
Both vegetables are part of the same family and can be carried in your burlap bag. These vegetables can also be kept fresh and safe in non-woven, breathable fabric bags. Some people also use jute sacks to store potatoes for several days. We all know that tomatoes and potatoes can be spoilt by dampness. Moisture-resistant fabric bags best serve these vegetables. When buying a bag of potatoes, make sure it has a wide mouth.
Basil And Garlic
Garlic stored in the refrigerator can become rubbery and eventually won’t be edible. To avoid any adverse effects, leave them in your reusable grocery bags.
Basil also can’t withstand cold temperatures and becomes dry quickly. To preserve the wonderful aroma of basil leaves, you can use a sturdy cloth bag.
Onions And Shallots
To survive, unpeeled shallots and onions need to be air-conditioned. You can keep them fresh by using paper or mesh bags. You don’t need to keep your onions in a refrigerator as they may become softened by the cold temperatures. You should make sure you have plenty of paper bags for storing your vegetables. Your bags should be kept out of direct sunlight and humidity.
Is Plastic Bags Sometimes Better Than Fabric Bags?
Plastic bags are the best choice for storing raw, fresh, or peeled carrots. These bags allow them to extract oxygen and keep the vegetables fresh for up to a week. Celeries also benefit from this bag since the natural vapour (ethylene) ripens them. You must purchase reusable, food-grade plastic bags that can be reused again and again. These can be used in refrigerators. They are also reusable and food-grade plastic pouches that can be reused again. This reduces the environmental impact on the environment.
You Should Not Keep Vegetables In Grocery Bags.
Many varieties of lettuce, such as romaine and red leaf, baby and baby leaves, are susceptible to bacteria. These vegetables may also be susceptible to food-borne diseases from bacteria. They can be transported in eco-bags purchased at the market. The large opening of a cloth grocery bag ensures that the leaves stay fresh and won’t get crushed. Removing the perishable leaves from your bag when you return home to get fresh air.
Fabric Bags With Pockets
Fabric bags with compartments allow for separate storage. Heavy vegetables can be stored separately to ensure safety and avoid crushing, while lighter ones can be kept in separate compartments.
Businesses that sell food, groceries, fruits, and vegetables are always looking for customized shopping bags to promote their brands.
You can buy full colour printed bags here to get the best price. You can also order your custom grocery bag.