If you do not utilize a personal car, there are lots of modes of transport in Bandung which you could opt to have a walk around town. To see tourist attractions in Bandung and access around the city, we could discover public transport beginning from town transport, tour excursions (Bandros), DAMRI buses, demand, rental cars, and motorbikes, to flights.
When picking to visit? Many tourist attractions in Bandung not by personal vehicles, possibly angkot may be a different public transport that could take you to various destinations. The angkot tariffs themselves often change, based on route and distance. Should you use the bus and get off in the Lewis Panjang terminal, then there’ll be several public means of transport that will provide you based on the destination.
For Instance, if you want to visit Ciwidey, you can take the angst which belongs to Terminal Lewis Panjang – Ciwidey. In the Ciwidey terminal, you may continue to ride the yellowish angkot towards Rancabali.
If you would like to go to some destinations that are close enough to your Lewis Panjang terminal, it is possible to take an angkot which extends to Cibaduyut – Kebon Kelapa and cease in the Map Park tourist place, space is very close, just approximately 1 km.
Bus Bandros
The title Bandros is this degree bus is created particularly for tourists that wish to encircle the city.
Focus on the Working hours if you would like to enjoy traveling across town working with this particular bus. For the purchase, it may be increased for free for people, but have to enroll first the afternoon before. While for the booking will be charged IDR800,000 per unit for 2 hours.
This DAMRI bus may take you out of Lewis Panjang terminal to several tourist attractions in Bandung. If you would like to visit Lembang, you can take a DAMRI bus majoring in Lewis Panjang – Leiden terminal. By Leiden terminal, it is going to be linked by merely making an angkot into Lembang. Lembang is also renowned for having several exciting attractions, for example, Bosscha Observatory, Floating Market, Farm House, and so forth.
There’s also a DAMRI
And shop in Dago? Only choose the DAMRI bus going to Dago. For just Rp. 5,000, Dipatiukur.