
  How to Help Your Child Learn English Naturally

With English being the de facto lingua franca of the world, learning the language is key to opening yourself to new experiences outside of your home country or culture. English has served to bridge cultural gaps in the modern world, and it’s even the most common language used in maths, sciences, and other technical fields. Without it, every industry or field, from business to arts, would be much more difficult to access for individuals.

Why learning English is vital in Singapore

Is there any real reason to learn English in Singapore? Of course. English is one of the official languages of Singapore and the language of communication used everywhere in the country. Proficiency in English is necessary if you want to thrive in Singapore.

 This is why the Singaporean government has made English a part of the curriculum. If your child wants to go on to a reputable university or secondary school, then they’ll need to ace their English exams and have a better understanding of the English language. Even they do not plan to go into a career path in writing or English, they’ll nonetheless use it for many different reasons.

What you can do to help your child learn English naturally


Is your child having any difficulties catching up with their peers in English? Or do you simply want to ensure that your child remains on top when it comes to English learning? There are many ways for you to help your child aside from sending them to a top English language school in Singapore. The best way for a child to learn the language is through exposure and acclimatisation. Is your child learning anything once they leave the four walls of their school or tuition centre? They won’t be able to retain anything past their exams if they think of English language learning as a chore. You need to incorporate their English lessons and influence their way of life so English will come naturally to them.

Here are a few tips for helping your child learn English out of a classroom setting.

1) Buy books and other reading materials in English. Most of the knowledge that you will gather about the English language is intuitive. It means with more experience and skills you have in communicating in English, the easier it is for one to spot and correct their own mistakes and write better. Because of this, exposure is extremely important in building a child’s proficiency in English. Don’t just rely on school resources like dry workbooks, allow them to explore more reading materials by buying books or letting them read English articles online.

2) Expose them to more mediums in English. It’s not just books and online articles that can offer your child the opportunity to learn English. Mediums such as videos and movies have long been used in an English school or English tuition centre in Singapore to help students familiarise themselves with how native speakers write or talk in English. This can be a big help for those who have oral examinations or those who need help practising for a presentation.

3) Set up a private place for them to study in peace. A study area away from the bedroom is a useful place to help your child practice for English exams and schoolwork. Studying in the bedroom is sometimes not ideal because the bedroom is filled with all kinds of distractions, from mobile phones to video games and more. Help your child study for their exams better by creating an environment in which they can easily concentrate.

4) Converse with them in English and help them with work however you can. You don’t need to hover over their shoulder, and it’s not advisable, but letting them know that you’re open to assisting them with English assignments can be a huge help. You don’t exactly need to be a bona fide expert in the English language to support them. You can critique their presentation skills and point out areas where they can improve. Talking to them in English is also helpful because they’ll be able to exercise the skills they have obtained in class.

5) Gather resources that can help them learn English more effectively. One of the ways that students can learn English in Singapore is through self-study. Encourage your child to work on fun English assignments in their spare time. It could be through educational games, or you can find English workbooks that look interesting and engaging. Why not check to see if there are any online resources available for them to work on? There are many websites and video resources that you can find online that can assist in their English learning.

6) Enrol them in after-school or weekend classes or courses. This might seem a bit off-putting for your child, but as exam season slowly approaches, they’ll learn to be grateful for the opportunity to learn English outside of school. A classroom setting is not always an ideal learning environment for struggling students, and it might take the help of a skilled tutor to help them learn effectively. The best part of taking an English course in Singapore is that you and your child have much more freedom in determining the teaching style and setting of their education. For example, they can try writing workshops that have more hands-on activities, or have one on one sessions with tutors if they need more specific assistance with projects and lessons. There are even places that offer exam preparations and other special classes.

Looking for online English tuition in Singapore? Writers Studio is just the place to start your search. Find a variety of workshops and courses by checking out our site.