
Easy Ways to Find a Job

Searching for a job can be extremely time consuming and exhausting. Between researching companies, finding open positions, and filling out all the application material, a single application might take you an hour to complete. This is why it’s helpful to know a few different ways to find and secure jobs by using your people skills and offline resources.


You might be using an online job board or Boston staffing firms to find your next position, but there are other proactive approaches you can take while these options work in the background. One of the best things you can do is networking. Connect with past coworkers and employers and see if they know of any openings around your town. Chat with the managers at your favorite stores and mention that you’re looking for work and are passionate about what they do. Even just dropping off resumes to businesses can show you’re dedicated and have people skills. These are all great ways to get your foot in the door of somewhere that might not have a job posted online.

Job Fairs

Job fairs are another great option if you want to get in front of decision makers and shake hands with a company representative. This tactic can be especially effective for someone relying more on their soft skills or people skills to land a job. Most cities have some form of economic development organization or department, and that entity is likely to host a regular job fair. Check out their website or your local paper to see when you can peruse local businesses and chat with hiring managers. You might be surprised by what opportunities are in your community!

Online job boards are an easy way to find employment, but networking and attending job fairs can get you face-to-face with the decision makers.