Your body is more delicate than you think it is. Even more, after undergoing orthopaedic procedures like bunion surgery in Singapore. Similar to machines, your body would need time to rest and recover so you could return to your usual routine. That is why it is wise to ask the physician before doing anything, whether big or small.
You have to know that whatever you do in Singapore after the orthopaedic surgery would affect you, from recovery to the result of the treatment. In other words, you have to be mindful of your actions since they could make your body feel better or worse.
Therefore, if your body is not yet in good condition, try not to do anything extreme. Otherwise, you might push yourself too hard, which can cause your wound to reopen, leading to possible infection. As such, you might need to undergo another procedure to get well again.
As a wise patient, you should have the drive to let the physician know as you notice something strange or different after the orthopaedic procedure. Note that letting them know earlier would make your condition a lot better and help you recover much faster as a result.
To make that happen, you should know what you should do as soon as you get home after the orthopaedic procedures. Therefore, keep your eyes peeled until the end of this article.
How to Take Care of Yourself After Orthopaedic Surgery?
No matter how silly the instructions from an orthopaedic doctor in Singapore are, there are good reasons for them. That is why if they told you not to lift heavy things or go on exercise, you should follow their advice.
If you have any questions regarding the instructions, do ask. The physician would love that more than you overlooking what they said because you do not feel like it.
Most orthopaedic doctors recommend physical therapy so their patients would recover faster and return to their usual routine.
But in case you are not a fan of that, they could also recommend some exercise plan that you could do at home. Just make sure to follow the workout as it is and try not to do anything more.
Remember, anything too much can be harmful for your recovering body.
Another thing that most patients overlook is not showing up to their follow up appointments. Most of the time, they think they no longer need to visit again because they already feel better.
Sure, it is excellent they are feeling well, but only an orthopaedic doctor can say they are in good condition. Or if they need to continue their medication much longer.
You should know that the physicians know our bodies more than we do.
Whether you had a stitch around the knee or ankle, the specialist in Singapore would tell you not to touch it with your bare hands. The only time you can is when you already wash your hands with soap and water.
But to guarantee your wound would not get any infections, keep these things in mind.
- Again, wash your hands at least for 20 seconds.
- Drink the prescribed antibiotics.
- Keep the incision clean and dry,
- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol since these vices could hinder the healing process.
Checking on your wound might not be your cup of tea, but you should still do it so you would know its condition.
You have to take note that any changes in your wound could mean anything. Therefore, watch out for the following and see an orthopaedic doctor once you encounter one.
- Yellowish to greenish coloured pus means it has an infection.
- Red shade means the wound is healing.
- Blue would suggest it is not getting enough oxygen.
- Black or grey is a serious matter since it is associated with dead tissues.
If you do these two after the orthopaedic procedures, your recovery process increases and lower the risk of complications.
You should know if you do not eat healthily and your body gets dehydrated, the wound would take time to heal. That is why you need to drink a lot of water and eat well, so your body has enough fluid that it needs to get better.
Once the expert from the orthopaedic clinic told you to walk, do it. But make sure you do not overdo it and limit your walk for one to two hours. Following that timeframe would help prevent complications like deep vein thrombosis.
For any extreme body workout, ask an orthopaedic doctor first before doing anything. Otherwise, you might put yourself at risk and would need to get another treatment again.
Many people shrug off the idea of taking their medicine since they thought they would become addicted to it, but they are mistaken.
Patients should know that physicians would not ask them to drink the medication if they are not great for their health. That is why skipping on their prescription is not a smart move.
Keep in mind that if you want to feel better in no time, take your medicine as prescribed by your orthopaedic doctor.
A Final Word of Advice.
The key to recovery after orthopaedic procedures is to be mindful of your actions. By then, you would not do anything extreme that put your body in any harm.
Hence, take your time and think of your plan before proceeding with it. That is the best way of being mindful of your actions. But if you still have no idea if you should do it or not, consider asking an orthopaedic doctor in Singapore. Their views and opinions would help you understand further why you should reconsider your plan.
For more tips and advice, leave the Specialist Orthopaedic Centre a message. Sooner or later, you would receive an answer to your inquiry.
Go to their website now if you are interested to learn more about this orthopaedic clinic in Singapore.