
House Flipping 101: 10 Helpful Renovation Tips For Singapore Homeowners

Numerous Singapore house and flat holders make interior and exterior design changes without devising a plan to guide them throughout the home makeover process. They dive into these massive house projects headfirst with no idea what to expect. These individuals will only realise how crucial it is to have a well-designed set of strategies after encountering both major and minor renovation disasters.

The home interior and exterior renovation process in Singapore comes with obstacles and speed bumps. You cannot rush the construction of your dream house without experiencing disappointments. There will be unanticipated issues and additional expenses that you will not see coming. However, you can overcome these remodelling trials with sufficient planning and efficient assistance from expert builders.

Before you change the look and feel of your house or condo through the interior and exterior design upgrades in Singapore, here are ten handy tips you should remember before repairing, renewing, and restoring your dwelling:

Set A Fixed Budget

The first and most crucial step in remodelling your home is to set a strict budget. What’s rougher than that part? It’s sticking to the financial plan that you made. A fixed budget for an interior or exterior renovation in Singapore can help you avoid unnecessary purchases that can deplete your hard-earned savings. You must do your research or get a quote from your contractor to understand how much your house upgrade would cost. Moreover, remember to create a backup fund for unforeseen expenses, including days to weeks when you will have to sleep and eat out.


Make Specific Home Upgrade Choices

If you want to turn your HDB flat into a Scandinavian interior design paradise in Singapore, you cannot turn back once your contractor starts tearing your old place down. Take a few weeks to think about the aesthetics you want and consider if you see yourself living and thriving in it years after remodelling your home. You cannot change your mind in the middle of the project and ask the builders to redo everything unless you have the money for it.



Prepare A Design Peg Or A Layout

Once you have set your eyes on a specific style, collate images that represent your vision. You can also draw a simple layout that shows the looks of your ideal residential interior design in Singapore. Find inspiration from magazines, websites, and social media pages that feature trendy styles, themes, and colour palettes. Knowing the precise look and feel of your soon-to-be renovated home will avoid design clashes between you, your interior designer, and your builders.




Talk To Different Contractors

Do not immediately shake hands with the first construction company you meet. There might be other contractors who offer brilliant renovation solutions and interior design package options in Singapore that can shave a few dollars off your budget. These cost-saving packages often include design discussions, layout planning, material selection, project management, and construction work. Some firms even provide complimentary cleaning services that will clear the dust, rubble, and splatter left in your newly remodelled home. Without conducting a thorough search for the right contractor, you might end up losing valuable resources caused by a poorly managed construction project.



Read And Reread The Contract

Scan and scrutinise every word, sentence, and paragraph of the contract that binds you, your designer, and your contractor. You must understand every detail that it states to avoid misunderstandings. Moreover, ensure that it provides a breakdown of the processes and costs involving your home remodelling project. Do not be afraid to call out a party if some of the terms and conditions seem confusing or suspicious. It is better to clear things up before you sign the contract that will heavily affect your interior and exterior renovation in Singapore.

Get Decluttering

Do not wait for the house upgrade to start before clearing your possessions. Weeks to months before the builders arrive, declutter the soon-to-be revamped room. Pack each item according to size or importance and store it in a safe and secure area. If your Singapore house is expecting an interior design change in its kitchen, gather and box all pots, pans, utensils, and appliances unnecessary for the project.


Brace Yourself For Outages

Your home may lose access to electricity and running water on some days during the remodelling period. Your house or condo might require interior design procedures in Singapore that call for the renewal or repositioning of electrical lines and pipes. Invest in power banks, generators, containers, and buckets that can store energy and water for a couple of hours to days.


Track The Weather

The weather can be unpredictable at times, even if the news weatherman says that it will be hot and sunny this week. Regularly check short- and long-term forecasts before and during the revamping process of your HDB flat or house’s interior and exterior design in Singapore. Schedule construction work that requires outside access on days that promise clear skies. If it rains, do not push the builders to continue doing outdoor jobs as it may cause unfortunate accidents.


Expect The Unexpected

No matter how much time and effort you spend planning to fix up your abode, there will be sudden mishaps that might cause you more money or workdays. Just like in life, everything in an interior and exterior renovation project in Singapore does not always go as planned. While sprucing up your living room, your builders may uncover hidden foundation issues that require immediate attention. You will need to repair this problem first before adding new materials to prevent further concerns that you will eventually face in the future.


Anticipate A Massive Cleanup

If the interior design package you availed of in Singapore does not include cleaning services, get ready for a sweat-inducing sweeping, scrubbing, and washing session. The builders may help you tidy up, but you will still have to do most of the hard work to make your freshly remade home sparkly clean. If you want to avoid tedious cleanup, ensure to pick a contractor that offers cleansing solutions or book a separate business that only focuses on eliminating dirt.

Are you itching to give your old home a new look? Let interior design renovation experts from FineLine in Singapore help you! Visit their website below to view some of their most successful remodelling projects recently.